UDL, Equity and Diversity
UDL or Universal Design for Learning principles guide the development of flexible learning environments that can accommodate individual learning differences. A brief overview of the basic principles. This video is a good introduction to UDL and so is this short video.
A future-oriented approach suggests that we need to develop new ways of thinking about equity and diversity. Achieving equity is not just about addressing the underachievement or disengagement of particular groupings of students and communities and bringing everyone closer to a single normative standard of what counts as success... “Diversity” needs to be recognised as a strength for a future-oriented learning system, something to be actively fostered, not a weakness that lowers the system’s performance. Diversity encompasses everyone’s variations and differences, including their cultures and backgrounds. Bolstad et al 2012
A future-oriented approach suggests that we need to develop new ways of thinking about equity and diversity. Achieving equity is not just about addressing the underachievement or disengagement of particular groupings of students and communities and bringing everyone closer to a single normative standard of what counts as success... “Diversity” needs to be recognised as a strength for a future-oriented learning system, something to be actively fostered, not a weakness that lowers the system’s performance. Diversity encompasses everyone’s variations and differences, including their cultures and backgrounds. Bolstad et al 2012
TKI Guide to UDL
Richard Byrne's UDL Resources page Video of the Basic Guidelines for UDL and webpage of the guidelines UDL Resources UDL and the Flipped Classroom Inclusive Education site on TKI Enabling e-learning UDL links Dyslexia and ipads video Chrome Extensions to Support UDL My UDL Pinterest Board Dr David Rose - UDL video - especially the first 10 minutes Monica Kern's video - Supporting UDL with Google Apps The presentation for the above video Supporting UDL with Google Apps MoE UDL resources and video examples Personalised and Differentiated Learning page Inclusive Ed and the Curriculum - good PD resources |