Literacy Resources
The Literacy Shed - literacy resources, ideas and sources of motivation. One of the best literacy sites around. Has paywalled a lot now but still has some free resources.
School Journal resources - pdf files, teacher resource materials and audio files of School Journals on TKI Literacy resources on Tāhurangi (new NZ MoE site) Tāhurangi English resources English Online Old English Online resources Literacy Online Study Ladder - online activities for literacy. You can personalise for your students Making Writing Fun - Crowd-sourced Presentation Visual Writing Prompts - creative writing prompts Fakebook - create fake profiles for imaginary characters Common Lit Thematic Discussions - choose a theme e.g. and the site will provide some literary resources. ABCYA - Variety of interactive literacy activities for approx. years 1 - 8 ReadWriteThink - various literacy activities & tools Teaching Ideas - loads of ideas and teacher notes Kathy Schrock's collection of Digital storytelling resources Online Writing Sites - for student writing but students can also read the stories published by others.Book Creator - one of my favourite ipad apps is now available on the web.. Add your own photos, drawings or videos, add text or record you voice. Several templates available.
Story Jumper - Can add your own images. Integrates with Google Classroom. PicLits - Has Images and Vocabulary to add Online BooksGetEpic.Com - Free for educators when you sign up with a school email address. 1000s of titles.
Storyline Online - videos of actors reading stories Tumble Books- access through a Library eg Christchurch or Hamilton. Students will need their library card number. Children's Library - includes a few New Zealand titles and books in te reo Children's Storybooks Online - list of online book sites Unite for Literacy - mostly junior books. Some suitable for older students at lower reading levels. With narration Ready to Read videos on YouTube Childrens' Treasure Chest - Audio readings StoryBerries - online stories sorted by length Digital storytelling with Powerpoint animation
Literacy ProgressionsSpelling & Word WorkDaily 5Pictures & Videos to Inspire Writing & DiscussionThe Story Starters page has lots of video and picture prompts for writing and discussions.
Oral LanguageMany of the written language motivators can be used to stimulate oral language as well.
Some online story-writing sites and apps have a record function so students can tell their story orally eg Book Creator. iPad and tablet whiteboard apps have a record function and Educreations is also available in a web page version. Seesaw also has a recordable whiteboard function. Comic Strip/Graphic Novel Creators (Online & Free)Book Creator has comic templates that you can add your own images and text to.
Storyboard That - Create 3x1 or 3x2 storyboards, max. 2 storyboards per week. Free. Lots of images to use. Paid version allows your own images or larger/more storyboards. Works on an ipad. Very easy to use. Make Believe Comix Ways to Use Comics in the Classroom Pick-a-Path stories information & links relating to writing Pick-a-Path (choose your own adventure) stories.
Online News SitesI have collated a list of news sites designed specifically for children. Consider using them combined with a Newsboard approach.
Word CloudsA list of some word cloud generators and suggestions for their use.