General Maths Sites and Presentations
Maths Inquiry - resources and ideas for using an inquiry approach
Maths Talk Moves Fractions Chromebooks in Maths Daily 3 My ipad Maths apps page Effective Pedagogy in Maths - BES booklet Teacher Tools - strategy videos |
General Activities
![]() Study Ladder - game-based. Teachers set up classes and passwords, students log in. They answer maths questions in the game.(Primary/Elementary level). Teachers can set assignments on specific material for students. Reports each student's progress. Can be played in any device with a browser that supports Flash.
e-ako Maths - e-ako maths is a resource created to support students who are having difficulty developing a sound knowledge and understanding of place value, fractions, algebra and basic facts. Real Messy Maths - presentation with lots of maths problems to solve The Mathematics Shed - heaps of maths problems and activities Coding can teach many maths concepts and logical thinking. This site has links to many coding resources Manic Math Madness - a blog with lots of maths activities. Get the Math - algebra in the real world NRich site - rich maths problems and activities Number Pieces - Maths Learning Center - Place value blocks that can be moved around. Also available as an ipad app. Number Frames - Maths Learning Center Tens Frames that can be filled and manipulated More Maths Learning Center Apps - including Number Lines, Number Rack (abacus) and Pattern Shapes, Geoboard. Most are also ipad, Windows and Chrome apps. SumDog Sign up as a teacher to add and track your students. A variety of Maths games linked to the NZ curriculum. Paid version allows you to set them customised challenges and assignments. NZ Maths Digital Learning Objects by level and strand ABCYa - Variety of interactive maths activities for stages 1 - 8 Maths Is Fun Maths Pickle EquatIO is a maths tools helper for G Suite. There are free and paid versions. Google Docs integration is free, for Forms, Sheets etc you get a free 30 day trial then it is $100 for a single user. Stop Motion AnimationStop Motion Animation in Maths. Stop Motion Studio app and Cloud Stop Motion website are free. Could support Stage 5 and above Numeracy, also Geometry and Measurement. Example here.
Interactive Recordable Whiteboards
Educreations - this is an online recordable whiteboard app. Teachers can create classes and add or invite students via a class code. Teachers or students can create lessons showing how to carry out a strategy. Can also be used by students to demonstrate their understanding of a strategy eg this example. Also available as a whiteboard app for ipad Explain Everything Edu app. Paid but very comprehensive. Seesaw web or Seesaw app - students can take photos or videos of their work with the ipad or add images and write their own posts about their work and reflections on their learning. These examples use Blogger but the the idea is the same. Example 1, example 2, example 3 You can also set Activities in Seesaw, either using some that are in the app or creating your own. Example. Prodigy - game-based. Teachers set up classes and passwords, students log in and create a character. They answer maths questions to progress in the game. System adapts to the level of the student (Primary/Elementary level). Teachers can set assignments on specific material for students. Comprehensive reports of each student's progress. Designed for US or Canada but can be played from other countries. Free with game but has a Premium option available - in app ads for this and these can be intrusive. Can be played on computer, ipad, tablet or phone.
Maths VideosMath Talks to Blow Your Mind - TED talks list
Dr Friesen on Numeracy - Maths as part of our world and interpreting the wold through mathematical ideas Maths Antics - great videos explaining maths concepts. The videos are free and you can pay a small fee for the related exercises. Maths ManipulativesMaths Manipulatives in the Classroom - clocks, tens blocks, shapes, fraction bars, algebra tiles etc from Google Drawing.
Maths Manipulatives, EquatIO & the KnowledgeHook Gameshow
Story books for Maths
Many of these can also be found as videos or interactive stories online.
Addition Multiplication Subtraction Estimation Counting Fractions NZ Maths - picture books with associated activities by level and strand |
Measurement Probability Time Money Maths Picture Books Measurement Picture Books Bedtime Maths - variety of stories with maths problems |