Modern Learning Pedagogies (& MLEs/ILEs)
- Enabling e-learning pages on ILEs- includes many video examples and loads of resource links. A good place to start.
- Mark Osborne's Brief Overview and the link to the White paper on MLE's (not too long and very readable). If you haven't read this it is essential reading in this area.
- Simon Sinek's video - Why, What, How - especially the first 11 minutes - about putting purpose first. A must-see video
- The Ministry of Education Paper on MLEs - In the first section take a look at Schools Then, School Spatial Typologies and theCase Studies. The next three sections are very focused on the environment but the last two sections on People Elements andHow We Achieve These Qualities contain short videos of examples which are worth looking at.
- Will an MLE/ILE work for Everyone? Lynne Silcock.
- Getting Started in an ILE - Enabling e-learning webinar
- Linking Pedagogy and Space (Dept of Education and Training Victoria Aus.)- especially the section on Pedagogy and Space - pages 7 - 16
- OECD report on Innovative Learning Spaces
- Research & Resources
- TTT Education MLE Resource
- Clever Classrooms Report - research on the impact of MLEs
- Excellent blog post from Karen Boyes on putting the MLP before MLEs
- What does Collaboration Look Like?
- Designing the Dream - How to engage community and whānau in transformation using the design process (MLEs/ MLPs)
- Education Gazette article on MLEs
- UDL principles
- Tips to make your library more user-friendly - Edutopia
- Video of managing personalisation and differentiation in an MLE
- MLE Facebook group
- Collaborative Planning
- Modern Learning environments in the Junior School
- Modern Learning Spaces - images
See also: Future-Focused Learning and Teaching