Examples of Inquiry in Action
Putaruru Primary Ki o Rahi Inquiry
Room C2 at Putaruru Primary under the guidance of their teacher Fraser Quinn, have been undertaking an inquiry into the building of a ki o rahi field in their school grounds. The students have visited local marae to hear their stories which will be translated into carving on the seven pou on the field.You can see more on this ongoing inquiry here.
Student Inquiry Videos Playlist
Room C2 at Putaruru Primary under the guidance of their teacher Fraser Quinn, have been undertaking an inquiry into the building of a ki o rahi field in their school grounds. The students have visited local marae to hear their stories which will be translated into carving on the seven pou on the field.You can see more on this ongoing inquiry here.
Student Inquiry Videos Playlist
This page has examples of maths-based inquiries you can try as is or adapt to suit.
This page has examples of maths-based inquiries you can try as is or adapt to suit.
Financial Literacy
See examples of student inquiry around financial literacy at several schools.
See examples of student inquiry around financial literacy at several schools.
Opoutere School Classroom Pet Inquiry
Two classes of junior students ( 5 - 7 years) at Opoutere School investigated which pet would be the best one to get for their classroom.
Two classes of junior students ( 5 - 7 years) at Opoutere School investigated which pet would be the best one to get for their classroom.
Year 3 class at Bairds Mainfreight Primary inquiry about creating a Food Pantry for the community.
Waikino School Juniors - Caring for our Native Plants Area
The Junior class ( 5 & 6 year olds) at Waikino School talk about their inquiry about caring for their native plants area and how to attract butterflies to the area.
Bring Back the Birds
Two classes ( 6 - 8 years) at Opoutere School looked at which trees could be planted to attract native birds to the area. Student inquiry in Abu Dhabi
These inquiries can be seen on the Abu Dhabi inquiry page:
Inquiry e-fellowship research - includes details of student inquiries
My e-fellowship research - Includes case studies of two inquiries that I facilitated with year 6 & 7 students: "Should we clone endangered species?" and "Should Marineland be allowed to get a new dolphin?"
Paul Lowe's e-fellowship Research - Research into using Problem-based learning with high school students
My Research - links to my research including the full version of my e-fellowship research.
Paul Lowe's e-fellowship Research - Research into using Problem-based learning with high school students
My Research - links to my research including the full version of my e-fellowship research.
Other Examples
Windsor School
Waitaki Valley School - playground re-design
Culturally Responsive Practice in Inquiry
Galileo Institute Examples - examples at all levels
High School examples
Hobsinville Point Secondary - Save the Epilobium
Hobsinville Point Secondary blog.
Hobsinville Point Seconday Website including links to examples
Trident High
Albany Senior High
Cashmere High
Hastings Girls High
Waitaki Valley School - playground re-design
Culturally Responsive Practice in Inquiry
Galileo Institute Examples - examples at all levels
High School examples
Hobsinville Point Secondary - Save the Epilobium
Hobsinville Point Secondary blog.
Hobsinville Point Seconday Website including links to examples
Trident High
Albany Senior High
Cashmere High
Hastings Girls High